Background Check | Manage Social Media When Trying to Find Love

Picture of social media apps on the screen of a phone Don’t let social media have a negative impact on your quest to finding love.

When you’re dating online and trying to find love, you’re probably using your real name, unless you’re not looking for anything serious. But the thing about using your real name is that you’re basically just a google search away from giving away some of your sensitive personal information for the world to see.

Those small steps can lead to a world of information. There’s one general rule of thumb on the internet; that everything that ever gets put on it stays there forever. This means that even a misguided or foolhardy post or picture can come back to haunt their makers even years after the fact. This can make the process of finding love online a bit of a minefield.

It’s important to be honest when dating. After all, being dishonest might attract the wrong sort of partner and the wrong sort of partner won’t make for the best type of relationship.

At the end of the day, it’s best to be honest. But being honest can have shades of gray to it. And presenting the lighter shade of gray while finding love online may help you find love with the partner of your dreams, so sign up now and find her.