Long Distance Relationship Tip: Reading with Foreign Ladies

A photo of a couple reading books Discover how starting a book club with a foreign lady can be an ideal dating activity.

One common relationship advice for couples is about how doing things together can be essential and productive for any two people who are romantically involved.

This is even more important for a man who is with a foreign lady.

The fact is that no matter how much he may wish for love to overcome time and distance, these two things are still serious challenges he would have to deal with.

The thing about dating international women is they are usually located in a whole different country. One convenient way for you to meet one would be through an online dating site.

This may be a tough start for men who want to be in a relationship with a beautiful foreign woman.

The time will come when they will be able to overcome the struggles of being in a long distance relationship.

As such, they would have to think of several different dating activities they can do together even though they’re thousands of miles away from each other.

There are a lot of tips on how to keep a relationship strong and happy. Many of these tips tend to neglect to mention something as simple as starting a book club with your partner.

You’d be surprised to know how many women enjoy reading books as a personal hobby.

You can imagine how excited they would be if their partner suggests the idea of starting their own book club. This may be especially true if it’s just between the two of them.

Besides, there are several good reasons why having a book club can be a great dating activity for you and your foreign lady.


Books are widely available in any city or country.

Even if there are a few book shops within the area you’re residing in, there’s always the option of shopping for one online.

As such, two people can easily get copies of the same book that they can read together. The editions may be different, but the books themselves will be the same.

You can also come up with your own rule about how the books you’ll be reading don’t necessarily have to be the same. You can read something you like while your partner can pick something she’s particularly interested in as well.

Intellectual Stimulation

One good relationship advice to keep in mind is the importance of connecting with your partner on an intellectual level.

And there definitely is a fair amount of truth to this.

After all, being able to share the same level of perception and belief about learning and reading can be a great indicator of overall compatibility as a couple.

However, this isn’t about being completely in agreement with one another.

It’s simply about how your values are vaguely oriented in the same general direction.

And reading a book together can be a great way to gauge into that orientation.

Date Night

A relationship with a foreign lady isn’t going to survive for too long if you don't have your regular check-ins.

Calling to discuss a book that you’re both reading can be a great reason to check in with her every now and then.

If you think about it, having this type of activity to do on date night, even if it’s just virtually, can be intellectually stimulating for the both of you.

Plus, wouldn’t it be nice to have something unique to do other than the usual talk about how your day went or having your meals together at the same time?

Reading is Fun

Reality can sometimes be disappointing.

Every man and woman has a moment where they wish that reality was better.

And as you may well know, books can offer you a short break from the disappointment that is the real world. They are able to offer that break to more than one person.

Remember that there are a few things more disheartening than not having your partner with you. So a good romance novel can keep you both believing in love, even if it’s just for a little while.

Topic of Conversation

It's a well-known fact that communication is important in every relationship.

Two people need to talk about each other in order to connect with one another.

Not communicating with one another is how most people end up alone and heartbroken.

But the thing is that conversation topics can tend to run out, like a well that is bound to run dry.

Even so, the same can’t be said about books. Books, and the stories contained therein, contain a lot of potential conversation topics for all kinds of people to talk over and discuss at length.

For this reason, picking a good book and reading it together with your partner can help keep you together. It gives you something to anchor yourselves on. It gives you a chance to reach a certain focal point.

Yes, being in a relationship isn’t always easy, especially if it’s with a foreign lady. But of course, it’s a challenge that you can definitely overcome and conquer. All you have to do is make an effort in coming up with an activity that you can both enjoy doing together from time to time, like starting a book club.