Take a Trip Down Memory Lane This National Lover’s Day

A man and woman revisit the past through photos A picture is worth a thousand words. Revisit the past with your lover and see how your love story has progressed through a collection of photos.

On special occasions, most couples plan a short getaway to make it a meaningful one. They almost always go to the beach, take a road trip, or visit their dream destination. But isn’t it too common and ordinary?

If you are tired of this pattern, now is your chance to be unique. Be exceptional this National Lover’s Day!

Take a trip down memory lane and revisit the past with your partner. They say taking a stroll is a waste of time but that isn’t true. Researchers believe that revisiting happy moments may help cope with difficulties.

Isn’t it wonderful to be reminded of - what attracted you to each other, that feeling to be head over heels in love, that scent and touch and feeling to have that person sit next to you, how their sound of voice creates excitement down your spine, and that feeling of being absorbed and obsessed with each other?

How long has it been since you felt that way with your partner and wouldn’t you love to feel it again?

“Down Memory Lane” Meaning

Most of us are familiar with the experience of nostalgia - a sentimental feeling from the past.

Surveys indicate that the majority of adults, regardless of age, engage in nostalgia at least once a week (Hepper et. al., 2014; Wildschut et. al., 2006). Posting photos for Throwback Thursday on Facebook, firing up that 90s playlist on your iPods, and chatting with a good friend about that crazy road trip are just a few examples of the many ways people regularly evoke nostalgia.

In relationships, the beginning is mostly the time you make the most effort to show your romantic side to your partner. Even if you have been together for a long time, turn back the clock and remind her how charming you were when you wooed her.

Women love it when men remember details from when they were still getting to know each other. It gives them a different kind of happiness knowing you pay so much attention to your relationship, despite the length of time that you’ve been together.

Rekindle your passion and remember the happy times of the past to bring back passion and excitement in your long term relationship.

National Lover’s Day is a reminder

If you are unsure when to take the time to go out with your partner and take a stroll down memory lane, mark your calendar for April 23rd. This is National Lover’s Day. On this day, people commemorate love, a chance to express love, and most importantly, a reminder to make time for your significant other.

Celebrate this day by revisiting the past and realizing how much love you feel for your partner. You might have forgotten how wonderful your partner is. Strolling down memory lane is a helpful tool to feel things all over again.

Things to do when strolling down memory lane

Relationships have their own stories. To never lose sight of your stories, write them somewhere.

Create a relationship scrapbook - a book that contains photos of places you’ve been to, even tokens or things from your memorable visit.

Make a journal of your love - why you love each other, things that brought you together, and the shared experiences that you’ve built in your lives.

Revisit where you met

In your book, identify the place where you first met each other and make plans to revisit that place.

If possible, wear the same clothes that you wore during your first meet-up. Take her there and reimagine what it’s like to meet her for the first time. Share stories about how you prepped up for that day and how you felt upon meeting her.

Have dinner at the first restaurant you went to as a couple

Celebrate the first time you went out together as a couple. Remember how happy you were knowing that finally, you could call her your girlfriend. Order the same food and relive the moment. Talk about how your first date as a couple went and see if anything has changed since then.

It can be a great experience to see the sights again through your older eyes and recreate photos that you took on those dates. Those memories are a good source of joy and laughter.

The songs you used to listen to

Of course, you have those down-memory-lane songs that are reminders of your relationship. Whether you’re at home or on your date, put those songs on background to evoke maximum nostalgia.

Sometimes, it’s the music of the past that brings our forgotten memories back to life.

 A couple capturing their trip down memory lane. Take a trip down memory lane. Go to the place where you first met and create before and after photos.

The benefits of nostalgia

Revisiting our past has a few benefits.

It brings us restoration and feelings of inner calm and helps us to cope with negative events and emotions. There can be a lot of problems every day. They are never-ending and distracting. Take things slow and remember the good times.

It’s an escape you need from the hustle and bustle of day-to-day life.

When you go to a place that is familiar and associated with positive memories, it can give you your much-needed space. Free your mind and soul from work and life and be taken away by the memories of the past.

Sharing personal memories and creating new ones is a wonderful way to connect. We live in a fast-paced world. This means there are a lot of responsibilities to the point where partners have less time to be together. Taking a stroll is a time to slow down, unplug and focus on one another.

Experience the place again but differently. Make new memories in a place that already holds a special meaning. Coming to the place where you first meet or the restaurant you first had dinner at will bring back memories and is a source of a good laugh. You can reminisce at the same time you can have a fresh perspective.

A better relationship

For couples who are going through rough patches, strolling down memory lane can help you understand your relationship better and much deeper.

Looking back on how you started with your relationship along with new experiences can strengthen your relationship with your partner.