Exploring Cuisines Around the World

There are fewer joys in life greater than exploring cuisines from different cultures around the world. For many people, it’s their raison d’être—the thing they live for.

If you plan on traveling abroad to visit a new country, then you have to make it a point to explore food and go for new cuisine experiences.

There are several countries that are cultural melting pots — countries with high levels of immigration — that make great places to find dishes of different cultures.

However, those dishes will often be markedly different from what can be found in native countries. This is because those immigrant populations have to substitute the proper ingredients from what’s available or affordable.

Discovering food is a pillar of traveling. And for many people, it’s their sole motivation. Some tourists find the nearest fast food restaurants or they don’t stray too far from their hotel, which is going to serve fare to which the tourists are accustomed. You don’t need an international cuisine module. You just need to do some exploring.

So what if you want to explore cuisine all over the world? What sort of fare can you expect to find when you deplane in various countries?

And what about dietary restrictions? Can Philippine-bound travelers with animal-free diets easily find vegan Filipino food? And what about vegan food, and food in general, in other countries? What can a traveler expect to find on their plate or bowl or banana leaf?

In this article, let’s sample the experience of discovering new dishes, hopefully to whet your appetite as you plan on your upcoming vacation.

Dumplings in a pot. If you’re exploring cuisines, the food of China is an excellent starting point with their broad array of dish types.

Exploring Cuisine in China

If your goal is to explore Asian food, start with Chinese food. Many people all over the world are going to be familiar with this since there are many Chinese restaurants all over the world. It’s a staple of takeout. So, what kind of food can be found in China?

You’re probably visualizing fried rice, steamed dumplings, a variety of noodles, orange chicken, and fortune cookies - which are actually not Chinese and originate in the United States with roots in Japan.

For the most part, you’d be right to visualize such food when you think about the food in China. But there are ways more than what you normally order for takeout. Take snacks, for example. People in China can get a little peckish in between meals, so they have to nosh on something. So what snacks are popular in the Middle Kingdom?

While these are snacks, you also have food for the main course. What can you expect when you sit down for a proper meal?

A spread of Thai food. A trip to Thailand will set your tastebuds aflame.

Tasting Thai

Moving on from China, what about Thailand? What kind of food can add another smile to a land that’s supposedly full of them? Well, a lot of non-Thai people are going to be familiar with Thai cuisine because of how popular it is all over the world.

When it comes to snacking, the Thais have tastes that range from spicy to sweet.

As for meals, Thai tastebuds tend for things that are spicier than what a lot of Westerners are used to.

Filipino barbecue being grilled. Filipino food will give you sweet and savory in the same bite.

Filipino Food

Now, on to Thailand’s fellow Southeast Asian country, the Philippines. Filipinos have a sweet tooth. Even the food that should be savory, like a cheeseburger, will use a sweet mayonnaise-style sauce. Banana ketchup, which is sweeter than tomato ketchup, is also prevalent in the country.

But snacking isn’t the only way in which Filipino food distinguishes itself. The main courses also have plenty to offer your palette. Do note that most Filipino main courses are meant to be eaten with rice, hence they are seasoned a bit saltier than you might be used to.

Okay, but what if you want to start exploring cuisines that are a little closer to home? Well, Latin America is right there and is a relatively short flight away. So, what kind of food can you find in Latin America?

For historical reasons, a lot of the cuisine found in Latin America will have similarities to Spanish cuisine. If it’s a staple in Spain, then it’s probably a staple of Central American cuisine.

A spread of Mexican food. Mexican food is meant to be enjoyed in the company of family and friends.

Munching on Mexican Food

If you’re looking at Latin America, then it might be best to start with Mexico. Not only does it share a land border with the United States, a lot of the Southwest used to be part of Mexico. Not to mention many Americans are going to be familiar with Mexican food.

Now you know about the snacks in Mexico, but what about when you want something more filling?

An arepa being torn in half. Arepas are a Colombian staple. Taste one and see why.

Colombian Concoctions

Going south of Mexico will eventually lead down to Colombia. You might think that similar cultural influences from Spain would mean that the food is the exact same, or at least close enough that there’s not much distinction. You’d be wrong. Colombia’s cuisine is similar, but it stands on its own.

When it comes to snacking, Colombia is no slouch. So, what are some snacks that you can expect to find when you’re down there?

So, that’s snacks covered. But what about main courses? How are you going to satisfy your appetite while in Colombia?

A bowl of beet soup. Borscht is common in Slavic countries.

Eastern European Eats

So, that’s Asia and Latin America sampled. What about another continent or region? What about Eastern Europe? What sort of dishes can you nosh on in Ukraine and Russia?

Snacking is important. It helps get people through the day. A lot of cultures have a name for snacking. In places like Spain and Portugal, it’s called merienda. In England, it’s afternoon tea.

Now that the snacks are taken care of, what about meals? You could fill yourself up on bread, but you’re probably going to want some variety. Luckily, Ukraine has you covered.

A plate of beef stroganoff. Did you know Beef Stroganoff originated in Russia?

What about another Slavic country? Is there going to be any similarity or overlap? Yes, there might be some cultural overlap, any Russian snacks you encounter might be similar to Ukrainian ones.

That’s snacks, what about full meals? Sure, you can probably fill yourself up with enough of the above, but Russian cuisine has a few tricks up its sleeves.

Even when limited to a few dishes in a handful of countries in a few regions, just exploring cuisines can take a long time. Never mind the cost of traveling to those countries, the sheer amount of dishes and regional variations can make it all seem daunting.

But isn’t that what makes life so amazing? How lucky would it be for you or even someone with an extensive international cuisine background to taste even half of the dishes in the whole world? Could it even be done in a single lifetime? Time flies fast. So start planning your next trip abroad and fill your itinerary with food, food, and even more food!